The stone lay there like a mountainand we sat here a weary bunchwomen, men, young, oldall linked togetherat the ankles, by a …
The stone lay there like a mountainand we sat here a weary bunchwomen, men, young, oldall linked togetherat the ankles, by a …
The moment of meeting is nearOnce again, I am mad, intoxicated;Once again trembles my heart, my hand,As if I am in a …
The cloud with its cold damp skinHas embraced the sky tightly; The leafless orchardIs alone day and nightWith his pure and sad …
For Dr. Mohammad Mosadeq Did you see, O mate, that the friend didn’t come?The dust arrived but the horsemen didn’t come. The …
Dandelion!, Say, from where you are coming,From where and what news you have brought?May you bring good tidings!, butIn vain your roamAround …
Translation 1 – by Maryam Dilmaghani And if you ever greet them they will not pause one instant to greet you back. Heads …